When plant cells take up lots of water by osmosis they become rigid, like a blown up balloon. We say they are turgid. This provides a lot of support to plants. When a plant dries out the cells lose their turgidity, which is why the leaves start to wilt.
Most of the largest plants we see, such as trees, have wood in them. Wood provides a lot of support and prevents branches from breaking or from wilting if they dry out. Lignin is the substance produced in the cells of woody plants that gives them this structure.
The skeleton of a mammal is made of bone and cartilage. Bone is a lot stronger than cartilage, because it needs to provide support for the body and a firm structure for muscles to attach to so that they can move parts of the body. Cartilage is the softer substance found in your ears, in your nose and between the joints. Cartilage does not contain as much calcium as bone, so it is more flexible which is why you can bend your ears. It is also smoother, which is why it is found in joints to stop the bones from rubbing together.
You need to know the names and positions of the following parts of the arm: the ulna, radius, humerus, scapula, tendons, biceps an triceps. The two bones in the forearm are the radius and the ulna. The ulna is the one that forms the elbow. The humerus is the bone in the upper arm. The scapulas are also known as the shoulder blades and are the plates located on your upper back. The biceps and the triceps are found either side of the humerus. When the biceps contracts it pulls on the bones in the forearm and bends the arm. When the triceps contracts it pulls on the part of the ulna that sticks out to make the elbow and this straightens the arm.
The contraction of these muscles produces a turning effect, with the elbow acting as the pivot. You may remember from your physics that the ?moment? (or turning force) is the force multiplied by its perpendicular distance (distance at right angles) from the pivot. This means that there is a bigger moment if the force is not acting near the pivot. This is why door handles are not near the hinge. The design of the human arm has the muscles attached very close to the pivot. Therefore they need to produce very large forces in order to move the arm. The arm could lift much heavier weights if the muscle was attached near the hand, but of course it would get in the way. You might be asked to make some moments calculations to do with the arm.
A joint occurs wherever two bones meet. Not all joints can move (for instance the various bones in your skull are fixed in place). A synovial joint allows the movement of two bones without the bones rubbing together and causing damage. The bones have a layer of cartilage at the ends and synovial fluid in the gap between the bones helps reduce friction, a bit like oil in a motor.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Organisms in their Environment
A population is all the individuals of a particular species that live in one area. For instance, you can have the population of fleas on a dog, or the population of fleas in El Salvador. If the conditions are perfect a population will grow. Eventually the population will get so big that there is not enough food, or not enough space, or too much disease, or too many predators, or some other factor that limits the population size, so the population stops growing.
We can draw graphs of population size against time which often have characteristic shapes. When nothing in the environment limits the growth of the population we see an exponential curve. This is where the graph gets steeper and steeper and steeper. This is what has happened to human populations throughout history. We have not yet reached our limit (though we will soon), but usually the graph stops getting steeper and flattens out, giving a characteristic sigmoid shape (sigmoid is like a flattened S shape).
In any habitat there will be many different populations that all have an effect on each other. This is called the community. The habitat will also affect the community because of such things as temperature, amount of water etc. The community and habitat together are known as the ecosystem.
An ecosystem gets all of its energy from sunlight. Plants absorb sunlight during photosynthesis and use it to produce complex chemicals such as glucose and proteins. An animal cannot make these chemicals, so to get them it needs to consume plants, or other animals that have consumed plants. When these animals and plants die the energy they contain is not wasted. Other organisms such as bacteria and worms feed on the decomposing remains of dead organisms. In this way, energy passes along a food chain from sunlight to plants (which we call producers), to animals (which we call consumers) to decomposers.
At the end of the food chain very little of the original energy from the sunlight remains for the decomposers. This is because much of the energy has been used up by the plants and animals further down the chain (of course remembering that we cannot create or destroy energy, only transfer it from one form into another ? in this case the organisms have transferred it mostly into heat energy). This is why the animals at the top of the food chain (the tertiary consumers), such as eagles, jaguars, wolves etc are generally quite rare, whereas plants and primary consumers (the animals that eat plants) are much more common.
We can represent the number or organisms in a food chain by using a pyramid of numbers. We call it a pyramid because usually there are less individuals the further up the food chain that you go. However this is not always the case. For example you can have thousands of insects living on one tree because the tree is so big. In this case it is better to use a pyramid of biomass (the dry mass of the organisms at each step in the food chain). This is because even though there are more insects than trees, there is a far greater mass of tree than there is of insects.
The pyramid of numbers can also tell us something about how humans can get more food from the land. If energy is lost on its way up the food chain then humans will get more energy out of their land if they grow crops than if they raise animals. An area of land may grow enough lettuces to feed one hundred people, but if you feed the lettuces to rabbits and then eat the rabbits you may only feed about 10 people, because typically only about 10% of the energy is passed from one level in the food chain to the next. Occasionally, it will still be important to eat some animals because they provide an important source of protein which only certain plants can provide.
We can draw graphs of population size against time which often have characteristic shapes. When nothing in the environment limits the growth of the population we see an exponential curve. This is where the graph gets steeper and steeper and steeper. This is what has happened to human populations throughout history. We have not yet reached our limit (though we will soon), but usually the graph stops getting steeper and flattens out, giving a characteristic sigmoid shape (sigmoid is like a flattened S shape).
In any habitat there will be many different populations that all have an effect on each other. This is called the community. The habitat will also affect the community because of such things as temperature, amount of water etc. The community and habitat together are known as the ecosystem.
An ecosystem gets all of its energy from sunlight. Plants absorb sunlight during photosynthesis and use it to produce complex chemicals such as glucose and proteins. An animal cannot make these chemicals, so to get them it needs to consume plants, or other animals that have consumed plants. When these animals and plants die the energy they contain is not wasted. Other organisms such as bacteria and worms feed on the decomposing remains of dead organisms. In this way, energy passes along a food chain from sunlight to plants (which we call producers), to animals (which we call consumers) to decomposers.
At the end of the food chain very little of the original energy from the sunlight remains for the decomposers. This is because much of the energy has been used up by the plants and animals further down the chain (of course remembering that we cannot create or destroy energy, only transfer it from one form into another ? in this case the organisms have transferred it mostly into heat energy). This is why the animals at the top of the food chain (the tertiary consumers), such as eagles, jaguars, wolves etc are generally quite rare, whereas plants and primary consumers (the animals that eat plants) are much more common.
We can represent the number or organisms in a food chain by using a pyramid of numbers. We call it a pyramid because usually there are less individuals the further up the food chain that you go. However this is not always the case. For example you can have thousands of insects living on one tree because the tree is so big. In this case it is better to use a pyramid of biomass (the dry mass of the organisms at each step in the food chain). This is because even though there are more insects than trees, there is a far greater mass of tree than there is of insects.
The pyramid of numbers can also tell us something about how humans can get more food from the land. If energy is lost on its way up the food chain then humans will get more energy out of their land if they grow crops than if they raise animals. An area of land may grow enough lettuces to feed one hundred people, but if you feed the lettuces to rabbits and then eat the rabbits you may only feed about 10 people, because typically only about 10% of the energy is passed from one level in the food chain to the next. Occasionally, it will still be important to eat some animals because they provide an important source of protein which only certain plants can provide.
Nervous System
The Vertebrate Nervous System:
1 - receives stimuli from receptors & transmits information to effectors that respond to stimulation
2 - regulates behavior by integrating incoming sensory information with stored information (the results of past experience) & translating that into action by way of effectors
3 - includes billions of nerve cells (or neurons), each of which establishes thousands of contacts with other nerve cells
4 - also includes neuroglia cells that support, nourish, & insulate neurons
1 - receives stimuli from receptors & transmits information to effectors that respond to stimulation
2 - regulates behavior by integrating incoming sensory information with stored information (the results of past experience) & translating that into action by way of effectors
3 - includes billions of nerve cells (or neurons), each of which establishes thousands of contacts with other nerve cells
4 - also includes neuroglia cells that support, nourish, & insulate neurons
Subdivisions of the Vertebrate Nervous System:
1 - Central Nervous System - including the brain & spinal cord
2 - Peripheral Nervous System - including cranial nerves, spinal nerves, & all branches of cranial & spinal nerves
1 - Central Nervous System - including the brain & spinal cord
2 - Peripheral Nervous System - including cranial nerves, spinal nerves, & all branches of cranial & spinal nerves
Neurons (or nerve cells):
respond to stimuli & conduct impulses
3 types - all with cell body & processes (axons & dendrites):
respond to stimuli & conduct impulses
3 types - all with cell body & processes (axons & dendrites):
Spinal cord:
located in vertebral canal
anatomical beginning is the foramen magnum of the skull
length varies among vertebrates:
in vertebrates with abundant tail musculature, the spinal cord extends to the caudal end of the vertebral column
in vertebrates without tails or without much tail musculature, the spinal cord extends to about the lumbar region of the vertebral column
a cross-section of the spinal cord reveals gray matter & white matter. The gray matter consists of nerve cell bodies, while the white matter consists of nerve cell processes (axons). These processes make up ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) fiber tracts.
located in vertebral canal
anatomical beginning is the foramen magnum of the skull
length varies among vertebrates:
in vertebrates with abundant tail musculature, the spinal cord extends to the caudal end of the vertebral column
in vertebrates without tails or without much tail musculature, the spinal cord extends to about the lumbar region of the vertebral column
a cross-section of the spinal cord reveals gray matter & white matter. The gray matter consists of nerve cell bodies, while the white matter consists of nerve cell processes (axons). These processes make up ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) fiber tracts.
Neuronal Structure
Sensory Neurone
The nerve impulses travel from left to right in this diagram of a sensory neurone. A stimulus causes the impulse to be produced by a sense organ. (skin / ears / eyes / tongue / nose)
Dendrites and Synapses are both nerve endings at the ends of neurones. Dendrites are located at the ends that receive the nerve impulses (at the left of diagram above). Synapses are found at the transmitting ends of the neurone where the impulse is transferred to another neurone. Synapses use chemicals to transmit their electrical signal.
Relay Neurone
This neurone does exactly what its name suggests. Relay neurones are situated in the spinal cord. This, along with the brain, acts as the central nervous system.
Reflex actions are caused when a stimulus creates an electrical impulse that is relayed via the relay neurone straight to the effector. The message never actually reaches the brain.
Motor Neurone
A motor neurone is connected to an effector and when an electrical nerve impulse is transmitted, the effector is stimulated into action. (muscles / glands)
The nerve impulses travel from left to right in this diagram of a sensory neurone. A stimulus causes the impulse to be produced by a sense organ. (skin / ears / eyes / tongue / nose)
Dendrites and Synapses are both nerve endings at the ends of neurones. Dendrites are located at the ends that receive the nerve impulses (at the left of diagram above). Synapses are found at the transmitting ends of the neurone where the impulse is transferred to another neurone. Synapses use chemicals to transmit their electrical signal.
Relay Neurone
This neurone does exactly what its name suggests. Relay neurones are situated in the spinal cord. This, along with the brain, acts as the central nervous system.
Reflex actions are caused when a stimulus creates an electrical impulse that is relayed via the relay neurone straight to the effector. The message never actually reaches the brain.
Motor Neurone
A motor neurone is connected to an effector and when an electrical nerve impulse is transmitted, the effector is stimulated into action. (muscles / glands)
Skin and homeostasis
When the body is cold
1. The small capillaries near the surface of the skin constrict (vasoconstriction) so less blood flows nearer to the surface, and less heat is lost through he blood.
2. The hairs on the skin stand erect by the hair erector muscles tightening. The hairs trap a layer of insulating air therefore less heat is lost to the surroundings.
3. Sweat Glands produce less sweat so less heat is lost through evaporation.
The muscles also vibrate very quickly when it is cold, so heat is produced to keep the body temperature at the correct level. This is also known as shivering!
When the body is hot
1. The small capillaries near the surface of the skin dilate (vasodilation) so more blood flows nearer to the surface, and more heat is lost through he blood. The body therefore cools down.
2. The hairs on the skin lie flat because the hair erector muscles slacken. No layer of insulating air is trapped therefore heat can be lost more easily.
3. Sweat Glands produce more sweat so more heat can be lost through evaporation
1. The small capillaries near the surface of the skin constrict (vasoconstriction) so less blood flows nearer to the surface, and less heat is lost through he blood.
2. The hairs on the skin stand erect by the hair erector muscles tightening. The hairs trap a layer of insulating air therefore less heat is lost to the surroundings.
3. Sweat Glands produce less sweat so less heat is lost through evaporation.
The muscles also vibrate very quickly when it is cold, so heat is produced to keep the body temperature at the correct level. This is also known as shivering!
When the body is hot
1. The small capillaries near the surface of the skin dilate (vasodilation) so more blood flows nearer to the surface, and more heat is lost through he blood. The body therefore cools down.
2. The hairs on the skin lie flat because the hair erector muscles slacken. No layer of insulating air is trapped therefore heat can be lost more easily.
3. Sweat Glands produce more sweat so more heat can be lost through evaporation
cells and function- plant cell
Plant cell: the cell is a highly complex system that is the site of intense energy exchange and which presents vast interphase surfaces. Like all living organisms, it feeds itself, grows, multiplies and dies.
Plasmodesma: intercellular bridge.
Dictyosome: cellular organelle that elaborates sugars and proteins.
Chromatin: a colouring substance in the nucleus of the cell.Nucleus: small spherical body with the cell nucleus.
Nuclear envelope: membrane surrounding the nucleolus.Endoplasmic reticulum: a formation within the cytoplasm that plays a role in the production of various substances.Peroxisome: cytoplasmic organelle which contains enzymes.Chloroplast: granule of chlorophyll, which is needed for photosynthesis.
Mitochondria: granule that plays an important role in the respiration and energy-releasing reactions in living cells.
Cytosol: liquid part of the cytoplasm.
Free ribosome: cytoplasmic organelle which is responsible for protein synthesis.
Tonoplast: vacuolar membrane.Vacuole: space with the cytoplasm of a cell containing various substances.
Cell wall: cell wall.
Plasma membrane: envelope of plasma.
Thylakoids: membranous molecular structures involved in photosynthesis.
Starch grain: starch granule.
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